Diving for Knowledge, and Rubbish

Diving for Knowledge, and Rubbish

Since its founding in 1955, the Underwater Research Group (URG) dive club of New South Wales has been at the forefront of scuba diving technology as well as underwater research and photography. Over the years, the club has done everything from fish identification surveys and shipwreck investigations to prospecting for gold and fixing the transmitter…

Wall up Bondi!

Wall up Bondi!

On 4 July 2017, members of the Bondi community, young and old alike, took spade in hand to build a sandcastle wall along the beach. The sand wall would at least temporarily help keep out the seemingly endless waves of plastic pollution on our beaches. Sunday’s event was intriguing and creative. What a good idea, to…

Bondi olive trees bear fruit and foster neighbourhood connection

Bondi olive trees bear fruit and foster neighbourhood connection

Words by Kit The main feature of our veggie garden in Boonara Ave is an olive tree. We’ve been gently encouraging the tree to bear fruit….and it has come to pass that we got a neat little harvest at the April Dig Day, on the Sunday before Easter. Small green olives, Bondi olives! This marked…

Compost your kitchen scraps at the 241 Bondi Road Community Garden

Compost your kitchen scraps at the 241 Bondi Road Community Garden

Words by Kit A number of unit-dwellers in Bondi have asked where they can put their kitchen scraps, not having access to a compost bin in their own building complex.  At the front of 241 Bondi Rd, Transition Bondi’s three compost bins are there for any thoughtful composter to use. In fact we’ve got a…