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For four years we’ve been keeping a little laneway nearby looking good. It’s a spot where rubbish might otherwise be dumped, and is now full of a variety of plants including edibles, exotic climbers and indigenous plants. The laneway is the track to a local primary school so we catch families on their way, and…

A little garden update 

A little garden update 

October put a smile on the face of our gardening team.  The nicely spaced rain allowed some of our veggies to raise their heads and rear up to the sun, when it appeared in short bursts!  What seemed like some insignificant little seedlings only a short time ago, suddenly announced themselves as solid, reputable purple-topped…



August is a season of mellow fruitfulness  At my home garden there’s been a lovely specimen of butternut pumpkin growing for months.  It’s been tucked away from most eyes, next to a lemon tree growing in a pot and supported on the vine, by sitting on the ground. The day finally came when neighbours –…

Food scraps to fertiliser

Food scraps to fertiliser

Many of us grow our own food and gardens— or even just houseplants— and we sometimes need to think about what we need to feed our plant friends, too. Instead of getting fancy expensive organic fertilisers….….did you know that the following common kitchen scraps and leftovers make excellent, safe, and easy-to-use natural fertilisers for your…


Alley Affairs

Many-many-a-rainy-day later and the lane is singing again. The bees are busy at work as we prop plants up to grow to new heights. It is a joy to see school children curiously learning of natural wonders on their way to and from school. The diversity of the garden is always a site in itself….

The Beekeeper

The Beekeeper

Transition Bondi  has two beekeepers on our team: Lance and Gloria. We met in passing in our Community Garden last week (where we have hives of both European and native bees), and an interesting story was told… Last week in the city, a swarm had been spotted, and Gloria  received a call for help, to…