A big thank you to our Buzzy Dig Day Participants!!

A big thank you to our Buzzy Dig Day Participants!!

At our April Dig Day in the Community Garden, we participated in the Autumn Wild Pollinator Count. Each of us spent 10 minutes staring at a flowering plant and counting which pollinators paid a visit. This humble task may seem inconsequential, but think again… thanks to your efforts and those of hundreds of others around…

Behind the scene – Kit Shepherd, the Convenor in Transition Bondi

Behind the scene – Kit Shepherd, the Convenor in Transition Bondi

Interview with  Kit Shepherd by Jana Hlinková, Volunteer, Transition Bondi. Kit worked for nearly forty years in Adult Community Education sector including teaching English to newcomers and Communication, Literacy and Environmental Studies to Prisoners and other marginalised groups. Her dream is to collaborate with others and see the delights and achievements of joint efforts. In…

Wall up Bondi!

Wall up Bondi!

On 4 July 2017, members of the Bondi community, young and old alike, took spade in hand to build a sandcastle wall along the beach. The sand wall would at least temporarily help keep out the seemingly endless waves of plastic pollution on our beaches. Sunday’s event was intriguing and creative. What a good idea, to…

Sophy Banks and Naresh Giangrande came for dinner at Bondi

Sophy Banks and Naresh Giangrande came for dinner at Bondi

Words by Kit Recently, Transition Bondi had a social visit from two key members of the International Transition Town movement, Sophy Banks and Naresh Giangrande. Sophy was one of the founders of the Heart and Soul dimension, and Naresh heads up training in the Transition Network. They were visiting Australia for family reasons and wanted…