Oz Harvest & Miri

Oz Harvest & Miri

Less food waste, less hungry and more happy people? Seems like an unreal dream? No, it’s possible and Oz Harvest is the organisation which put a lot of effort in to make it happen every single day. In each supermarket, bakery or restaurant is food waste a common problem, at the end of the day…

The step forward

The step forward

Words by Renata Siegmann Since last year I started a journey which I’m pretty sure there’s no way back and it will be long lasting. I just had an “Eureka moment” after a farm experience. In the farm I felt totally connected with the environment around me. I felt amazed with little gestures and appearances…

A big thank you to our Buzzy Dig Day Participants!!

A big thank you to our Buzzy Dig Day Participants!!

At our April Dig Day in the Community Garden, we participated in the Autumn Wild Pollinator Count. Each of us spent 10 minutes staring at a flowering plant and counting which pollinators paid a visit. This humble task may seem inconsequential, but think again… thanks to your efforts and those of hundreds of others around…

Bondi Blitz Festival and Coogee Beach Clean Up

Bondi Blitz Festival and Coogee Beach Clean Up

Transition Bondi is busily planning a month of events for Plastic Free July in collaboration with Waverley Council and other community groups in our area. We want to take the opportunity to look back and acknowledge two great events which have happened in April organised by Seaside Scavenge and Responsible Runners Coogee! We want to…

Interview with Mathias Kassel – traffic planner

Interview with Mathias Kassel – traffic planner

There is no doubt that the transport sector is extremely carbon intensive and as such there are many debates currently focused around the electrification of vehicles, public transport, investment in road infrastructure, town planning and so on. Australia, in particular, has been slow to take on concepts other than individual car ownership. Miri, member of Transition Bondi…

A Dough-licious Evening

A Dough-licious Evening

Words by Alex Transition Bondi had the pleasure of hosting Oliver from Bread4Change at the Inner Transition event during May. I walked eagerly home from work that day! An extra skip in my step as my mind journeyed into imaginings of future gatherings with friends, enjoying my newly-learned, yet-to-be mastered skill. There’s few I have…