Our hour with Veena Sahajwalla: Embracing the Circular Economy

Our hour with Veena Sahajwalla: Embracing the Circular Economy

Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Reform The queen of recycling materials was our guest in February.  Veena Sahajwalla graced us with her generous and lively presence and painted pictures of what is possible in the realm of using waste as a resource.  From local modular factories to rural and community micro facilities…. We learned…

Zero Waste East

Zero Waste East

If you’re looking for ways to design out waste in your life and reduce your carbon footprint, Transition Bondi has teamed up with Plastic Free Bronte to create Zero Waste East – a resource of tips you can integrate into your daily life.  Over the years we have become accustomed to buying, using a product…

Heart head and hands as we wave goodbye to 2021

Heart head and hands as we wave goodbye to 2021

We have had a full and ful-filling year, weaving our way among the obstacles of COVID and other vagaries of life. Continuing our online education events (now called Community Café) we hosted some creative and hard-hitting presentations on ‘climate’ – Climate Parties (yes it’s fun becoming informed, with a bunch of buddies!), Food in a…

The Beekeeper

The Beekeeper

Transition Bondi  has two beekeepers on our team: Lance and Gloria. We met in passing in our Community Garden last week (where we have hives of both European and native bees), and an interesting story was told… Last week in the city, a swarm had been spotted, and Gloria  received a call for help, to…

Spring Action In Our Gardens

Spring Action In Our Gardens

Spring and end of lockdown are bringing us together again. And the gardens, verges and laneways and welcoming Transition Bondi’s volunteers. Seedlings raised on windowsills, balconies and our hot-house are now putting down their roots in the garden beds. At our recent October working bee we harvested celery, lettuce and silverbeet – such vigorous and…