Get your honey bee hive ready for winter
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Get your honey bee hive ready for winter

According to the Australian Beekeeping Guide, honey bees don’t actually hibernate in winter. Instead, they form a winter cluster by huddling together to conserve heat. Colonies are often broodless during winter. In warmer locations, a small amount of brood rearing may continue. Still, you need to make sure your bees have the odds stacked in…

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Transition Bondi held our first ‘slow fashion’ practical event called Mend and Remake, on 22 March 2023. This was in response to the many things we’ve heard about the issues of textile waste through films, speakers and podcasts. We accepted the invitation by Kara Otto, local fashion designer and vintage queen, to get together with…

Sustainability vs Regeneration
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Sustainability vs Regeneration

February Guest Dinner Review by Kit A recent guest dinner led by Julianne Paradis – a young exchange student from Quebec – was a tonic. Through the way she facilitated the group of eight, she had us sharing aspects of personal healing, and then thinking about our contributions to the all-encompassing issue of healing the…

To Market, To Bush –  
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To Market, To Bush –  

January Market Update with Chris. Transition Bondi’s Market Stall is a place of curiosity where adults and children alike engage, play and learn about the world and neighbourhood around us. Last month’s markets were no exception and were a huge success. Engaging with the community and sharing local and environmental knowledge with those passing through. A stand…

Shin-rin yoku (Forest Bathing) – a multi-sensory forest therapy walk with Mayu Kataoka 
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Shin-rin yoku (Forest Bathing) – a multi-sensory forest therapy walk with Mayu Kataoka 

The freshness and quiet of a Sunday morning, together with a glorious all-blue sky, were the perfect setting for this unusual and restorative walk.  Mayu, a practitioner of shin-rin yoku, led us through a walk in Lane Cove National Park, bedside the gently flowing river and among mighty trees and coastal bush. Seven of us…

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Can one person make a difference?  Or do we wait for someone else to do it! This is a question that is asked at our Market stall, round dinner tables, in class-rooms…..everywhere, in these  urgent times. What’s that quote from the Dalai Lama … something like, “If you ever think you’re too small to make…