A wider view of the Transition movement…

A wider view of the Transition movement…

By Kit Shepherd Transition Bondi is like a hair on an elephant – tiny!  We sit within the broad network of Transition Australia.  And there is a world-wide movement – the Transition Network – that spans the globe.Recently I was on a panel for a Day of Transition Practice, which continued for 24 hours as…

Thank you Gloria

Thank you Gloria

By Kit Shepherd It was with a degree of sadness, but much gratitude, that we acknowledge the contribution of one of our core members, who has had to step back from her duties with Transition Bondi (TB).Gloria’s departure leaves a big gap in our team and in my mind and heart, as she was not…

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Laurie’s Vegetarian in Bondi Road recently closed.  Wade, the owner, has been serving up fabulous, tasty food for 20+ years.  Transition Bondi has loved his food as takeaway for our meetings for years and this is Kit’s poem of gratitude. How many meals has this man made,the one we know and love, called Wade? he’s…

Shin-rin yoku (Forest Bathing) – a multi-sensory forest therapy walk with Mayu Kataoka 
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Shin-rin yoku (Forest Bathing) – a multi-sensory forest therapy walk with Mayu Kataoka 

The freshness and quiet of a Sunday morning, together with a glorious all-blue sky, were the perfect setting for this unusual and restorative walk.  Mayu, a practitioner of shin-rin yoku, led us through a walk in Lane Cove National Park, bedside the gently flowing river and among mighty trees and coastal bush. Seven of us…

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Can one person make a difference?  Or do we wait for someone else to do it! This is a question that is asked at our Market stall, round dinner tables, in class-rooms…..everywhere, in these  urgent times. What’s that quote from the Dalai Lama … something like, “If you ever think you’re too small to make…

Six Thinking Hats – Constructive Meeting and Discussion

Six Thinking Hats – Constructive Meeting and Discussion

At Transition Bondi’s June Inner Transition event we learned a fun process for discussions and meetings, called Six Thinking Hats. This process is like a language to use, and to navigate the often complex dynamics in group communications. Six colours described as followed: One colour for information, another for caution, one for creativity, one for…