A little garden update 

A little garden update 

October put a smile on the face of our gardening team.  The nicely spaced rain allowed some of our veggies to raise their heads and rear up to the sun, when it appeared in short bursts!  What seemed like some insignificant little seedlings only a short time ago, suddenly announced themselves as solid, reputable purple-topped…

Shin-rin yoku (Forest Bathing) – a multi-sensory forest therapy walk with Mayu Kataoka 
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Shin-rin yoku (Forest Bathing) – a multi-sensory forest therapy walk with Mayu Kataoka 

The freshness and quiet of a Sunday morning, together with a glorious all-blue sky, were the perfect setting for this unusual and restorative walk.  Mayu, a practitioner of shin-rin yoku, led us through a walk in Lane Cove National Park, bedside the gently flowing river and among mighty trees and coastal bush. Seven of us…



Walking in the local streets and lanes is full of interest as Spring gets plants growing! The lushness of beauty of different types of grass or tree are sheer pleasure to the eye.  Even weeds, like the tall plantain with bobbing flower heads, or the circular flat, lobe-leaved  dandelion bring a pause to one’s step,…

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Can one person make a difference?  Or do we wait for someone else to do it! This is a question that is asked at our Market stall, round dinner tables, in class-rooms…..everywhere, in these  urgent times. What’s that quote from the Dalai Lama … something like, “If you ever think you’re too small to make…



August is a season of mellow fruitfulness  At my home garden there’s been a lovely specimen of butternut pumpkin growing for months.  It’s been tucked away from most eyes, next to a lemon tree growing in a pot and supported on the vine, by sitting on the ground. The day finally came when neighbours –…

Secret Science of Soil

Secret Science of Soil

Based on The Secret Science of Soil event co-hosted by Steve Batley and Kit Shepherd. Steve studied landscape architecture at Uni; worked in that field for 20 years then he studied Permaculture under Fiona Campbell and Russ Grayson (Sydney elders in the Permaculture network, now living in Tasmania). For the past 15 years he’s been…

The ‘Collage’  Phenomenon: Climate Fresk, Water Puzzle, Circular Economy Collage

The ‘Collage’ Phenomenon: Climate Fresk, Water Puzzle, Circular Economy Collage

There’s an exciting innovation in climate and sustainability education, that is beginning to grow in Australia. Originating in France, the event goes by names like Climate Fresk*, Water Puzzle, Circular Economy Fresk. They are a gamified form of learning dense material.  The originator is a French professor who was concerned that in his university courses…